Whirlpools of packaging waste circulate in the ocean. Feminine sharks glow. Nimble hands fold oversize origami. Ropes become noodles, intestines, ghost nets. Care ballet and slow-food porn meet at the wok campfire of an Asian megacity. In a dance performance, the visual cosmos of a glutamate-soaked fast food world is unleashed. Hard-to-digest realities of life lead into absurd waters. A ritual that sensually questions Eurocentric views.
With the piece »Yum Yum« Haus Sommer investigates the connections between (culinary) cultures, digestive processes and artificial worlds. By reflecting on hydrofeminist approaches, following the idea that we are all “Bodies of Water”, an oscillating projection surface is created for a critical examination of anti-Asian racism.
Haus Sommer is the network label of dancer and choreographer Dasniya Sommer. In changing collaborations with different artists she questions and expands the formal language of classical ballet under the influence of Shibari, Body Art and contemporary performance art.
The process and the performance are created by the actor Michael Schumacher from the inclusive ensemble Meine Damen und Herren, the MMA performer and poet Fungi Fung, the eco feminist dancer Tara Jade Samaya, as well as Yui Kawaguchi, whose dance-choreographic approach moves in the field of tension between tradition, present, East and West.
Content Note
The play addresses anti-Asian racism. Restraint techniques are used on stage.
Following the performance on 13.5. the fifth part of »Die Suche nach der Ur-Oper« by Das Helmi will take place at the bar.