»screening invisibilities« is an associative examination of invisibility. An encounter with the ambivalence of this political concept and a questioning of how we deal with it. Together with an ensemble of hearing and deaf artists, Basel director Zino Wey initiates a questioning of our perception. When does the body become a language medium? Which forms of language are we used to encountering? And who do we make invisible, even though we can see them? Signs, gestures, movement, dance and music are used to develop our own body languages and create a new (speaking) space that looks for similarities rather than differences.
A poetic-political manifesto for visibility.
A performance in sign language and spoken language.
For »screening invisibilities«, Zino Wey brings together a diverse ensemble from the fields of performance, dance, sign language art and music for a joint discussion and encounter.
Wey has been working as a director, set designer and author in various performative contexts at municipal and state theaters as well as in the independent scene since 2012. He has an ongoing collaboration with Ballhaus Ost, as do many of the artists involved.
The performance is part of our guest performance series Berlin Basel Smash: from February 23 to March 9, we will be showing three pieces from the city on the Rhine at Ballhaus Ost. »Recycling of Life« by Antje Schupp | Ayman Nahle | Yanik Soland will be followed by »Court Fantasies« and »screening invisibilities« by Zino Wey.