No sooner is the world created than a struggle for self-determination and equality begins: Lilith, the first woman of Adam, becomes the first fighter against patriarchy. Her permanent conflict of having to subordinate herself is discharged in arias and songs of contemporary music. The unconditional urge for self-determination is shown in tender but also very physical dance and fight scenes.
Anna Peschke imagines the figure of Lilith from fragments of various cultural contexts, some of which are thousands of years old: from the creation of the world to her meeting with the fallen angel Samael and her rebellion against power and revenge. It is a highly topical story about a heroine who consistently follows her sense of justice, rejects violence and becomes a primordial feminist. And at the same time it is a story about God, the first two humans and a fallen angel who fights his way out of hell.
Anna Peschke works as a director for performance, music theater and Peking Opera in Europe and Asia. Together with the composer Christoph Enzel, she is currently also developing »Kinderlieder zum Wald – von einem Erwachsenen zu singen« and the choral piece »Officium für einen verbrannten Wald«.