Christina Kubisch »Silent Dialogues« 2024/UA
Adrian Mocanu »cuando se perdió en el agua« 2024/UA
Miika Hyytiäinen »Emote« 2024/UA
Sagardía »Die Seele besteigt den Thron« 2024/UA
Alison Knowles »Silk Thread Song« 1971. Maulwerker-Version (2008) DEA / neue Version (2024) UA
The remnants of a silk scarf become notation, voices are superimposed on themselves through recording processes, laughter and crying are transformed into musical figures. Graphic notation is translated into sound, sound into theatrical gestures, electro-acoustic settings form reference systems for the physical voices in the room. Projections make these processes transparent to the audience. Transfigurations occur in a variety of musical situations in the new program of the maulwerker performing music series.
Maulwerker, collective for vocal experiments, integrate elements of performance art, intermedial art and choreography into their music.
The performance on 13.9. will be followed by an artist talk with the composers (in German and English with translation).